Are You Tired Of Working Your Butt Off To Lose Weight? I Was Too Until I Learned HOW to Diet Easily

How many times have you "worked your butt off" to try to lose weight, only to find that it had returned and plopped itself right down on your "back porch"? If you're like most folks it has happened too many times to be funny. You've wondered what the purpose of the whole diet business is if you're only going to put the weight back on when the diet stops.
As if gaining all of the weight back after the dieting stops isn't bad enough, look at this: a UCLA study has shown that 33% to 66% (one-third to two-thirds) of individuals who lost weight from dieting had gained more weight over time than they lost. What is that all about?
The problems seems to be that when one goes on "a diet", the body makes certain adjustments because it is designed to maintain the status quo. So, if calories are suddenly (or even gradually) reduced, the body will "think" that this is the way it is now and automatically slow metabolism so as to preserve whatever food is available. Then, when the "diet" ends and the regular way of eating is resumed, the slower metabolism is sluggish in processing the extra food so the additional calories (fat) are put into storage. (The body "knows", even if we don't, how much food it needs.)
It seems the only way to maintain the loss is to keep up the calorie restriction for the rest of your life. How do you think that's going to work for you? Not so great.
So, what is the solution? How can you lose weight and keep it off? There is a way...and only one way. This "way" is a lifestyle change. What this means is to learn the correct way to eat...and then eat that way for the rest of your life! Does this mean "dieting" for the rest of your natural days? No, it doesn't. It means the regular consumption of appropriate foods in appropriate amounts. Eating "correctly" will gradually remove all but the occasional food craving, lethargy, fatigue, and depression. It will also greatly reduce your risk of developing other long-standing diseases that often go along with obesity: diabetes, heart and joint disease, sleep disorders, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, strokes and on and on the list goes.
An additional benefit to the "lifestyle diet" is that your friends and family can learn from you how to eat properly and thereby reap the same rewards that you will. What a fine legacy to leave to your family.

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