Exercise and Weight Loss - Get Your Butt Moving and Lose More Weight

Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand and contrary to popular belief, exercise is not a four letter word. Seriously. It isn't. But it is a must if you want to lose weight, increase your flexibility, boost your metabolism, and increase your overall feeling of well being.
But why? After all if it is true that all you have to do is take in less calories than you burn, then why is getting up and moving so important?
There are a few reasons why exercise is important. First of all, the body was made to move. Just think about the construction of our bodies. How the muscles, ligaments, and bones all work together to perform smooth liquid movements. We are really a pretty complex machine. But this is not the only reason we need to exercise more.
Regular exercise offers some key benefits:
  1. Improves mental well being. When we exercise and get our bodies moving and our heat rates up, our body releases a hormone-like substance called endorphins. These powerhouses are released in the brain and are known as the body's own natural painkillers. Plus endorphins produce a feeling of euphoria that can be so powerful that they can actually mask pain.
  3. Increases metabolism. Did you know that your metabolism is directly related to your muscle mass. This is the reason why athletes can eat so much more than the average person. Muscles take a lot of energy just to maintain themselves. So the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolism, meaning the more calories you burn even when just sleeping.
  5. Increases flexibility. One of the key tests done to determine a person's fitness level is a flexibility test. Those who are not as flexible are less fit. And this does not only translate to your muscles. Recent studies have found that decreased flexibility is directly related to more rigid arteries and blood vessels, setting you up for an aneurysm.
  7. Tones muscles for a better overall appearance. Toning up your muscles not only increases your metabolism and flexibility but it will give your overall silhouette a sleeker look. Sometimes just firming up your muscles will reduce the look of irregularities that fat can give our body. Think about it. When you see someone with a toned body, they just look better overall
Remember, back in the olden days there were not any gyms or fitness classes. People walked everywhere they went, worked daily in their yards and fields, and played games outside. These activities alone were enough to keep a majority of our ancestors fit and healthy. But now we sit in front of the TV or computer all day, only walk as far a the door to the car, and playing, well that is something for kids. Exercise is nothing new. It is just different now than it used to be.
So if you want to drop some pounds quicker and easier and actually keep them off for longer, it is important to not only take in less calories but to also move more, as exercise and weight loss are a package deal.

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